The delivery of educational programming in the community was a concern of a group of people in the community because the success of students did not materialize at the rate it was expected.  The community moved to take back the control of education in its community because local control of education has been proven to increase the level of education in students.

Prior to 1982: Education in Kashechewan was administered by the federal government under Mushkegowuk Council, a regional Tribal Council based in Moose Factory.

1982:  The community made a move to have local control of the elementary school by ordering school supplies and administering part of the secondary school program of student we were attending urban centres to continue in secondary studies.

1986 to 1987: The education authority administered the secondary boarding program and tuition payments plus post-secondary educational assistance.

1988 – 1989: An community education plan was developed. Hishkoonikun Education Authority was formally established. A corporate constitution and by-law was drafted along with a financial management and personnel policies structures.

1989-1990: Local control of local education.


Source:  John S. Long, Schooling in Kashechewan: Then and Now