FJWSS Homework Club

Do you need help in Math, Science and English? Do you need space to catch-up on your studies or complete assignments? Studying for the finals and need room. Please see any of the teachers for help and support on your […]

Introducing SAS…

The new wing of the elementary school was revealed to staff just before the holidays began.  The building is complete and looks spectacular! The students are very happy with the new building. It is a far cry from the portable […]

New School Wing Opens!

Today is a happy day for staff and students.  One can feel the excitement in the air! The wall dividing the two wings went down today in the afternoon.  School leadership and staff took the time to honour the maintenance […]

Chapters Indigo donates $10,000.00

St. Andrew’s School received a $10,000.00 donation from Chapters Indigo. This will be a great addition as it will provide books for the Literacy/Library room. The children are excited as it has been quite some time since they have had […]

Teacher wins! Donates back!

Teacher wins draw! Donates back! St. Andrew’s School recently held a draw for a ski-doo. The proceeds will be used for the School Culture Program. Carole Laronde, a Teacher who has taught at the school for approximately 10 years won […]

New Elementary School is open!

After months of anticipation, the new school was finally open! Students moved into the building October 21, 2019. The students were excited in that a dream materialized.  The portable school system has been a tough journey and now, students get […]