Schools were slated to start on September 6, 2021 but with a number of positive COVID-19 cases in the community, that did not happen.  Come September 13, 2021, the schools opened their doors for students.  Plenty of excitement in the air as students were ready for work and yes, time to make new friends.  Hopeful this year will not be as impacted by COVID-19 as the last school year.  With a number of closures due to community lockdowns and the outbreak in June/July, it was a very trying time for everyone.  Everyone is looking forward to what the new school year has to offer.

In administration news, board elections are coming up.  The nominations will take place tomorrow at the FJWSS school gym.  We are looking forward to a new Board of Directors.  Thankful for the previous board of directors.  They served their time well.

Have a good week everyone! Weather has been a bit wet of late which is great news for the culture break week starting on October 11, 2021.  Great moose hunting weather it has been said. The HEA supports traditional fall and spring hunting that has been part of Cree cultural life since time immemorial.